cest1.txt GROWING UP SEXY 1. My Buddy Tim Tim and I grew up together. Literally. We had lived three houses apart since we were old enough to remember. And we were in most of the same classes through grade school, junior high and now high school. We had a lot of things in common. We played baseball, football and basketball together. We told each other our deepest secrets. At the time of this story, we were both 15 -- our birthdays were two months apart. We were best friends. Oh, yes, and we each had a younger sister; my sister Susan was then 12 and Tim's sister Cindy was almost 11. As best friends, Tim and I did a lot of stuff together. We explored our small town universe for over a decade. In the years since we turned 13, we had spent more and more time checking out our developing sexuality. Of course, we began much earlier, showing each other our "weenies" when we were in pre-school day care. Beginning at about age 14, our weenies had begun to get thicker and longer, our balls had dropped, and we had developed modest patches of crinkly hair at the base of our dicks. Tim and I discovered masturbation independently, but soon shared our discoveries. We had a few side-by-side masturbation sessions over at his house and in my garage, flipping the pages of porno magazines we had retrieved from the town dump. Tim's cock seemed to be a little fatter than mine, but mine was longer when soft. When we had our "boners," we were about the same size -- nothing sensational, but respectable six-inchers. We were anxious to get a look at live sex. I reported to Tim on what I had once glimpsed when I wandered into my parents' bedroom in the middle of an afternoon fuck. I was only about eight years old then, but seeing a flash of my Mom's naked breasts and my Dad's butt was worth reporting to my best friend. When we got to be teenagers, we both regretted that I hadn't seen more. Tim's mother and father were divorced. His father lived in another town and he almost never saw him, except for a couple of weeks in the summer. His mother worked and she drank a lot every night. Tim said he was always having to put her to bed, and he could look at any part of her body when she was really passed out. Although he said it seemed wrong to be peeking at anybody when they were in such misery, I was secretly envious of his ability to explore the mystery of a woman's body. As ten-year-olds, we peeked in windows around our neighborhood. Most of the time, we only saw people in their pajamas or some little kid running around naked. Finally, we discovered a middle-aged widow down the street from my house who showered with the window open. By climbing on top of a fence at the back of her yard, we could look in and see her as she got in and out of the shower. From that distance, we couldn't see much detail, but her big droopy breasts fascinated us, with their darkened ends. And this woman dried her black, hairy crotch with unusual vigor. We talked about sex endlessly. Although those porn mags were pretty revealing, Tim and I agreed that we wanted to have a willing (and awake) female at our disposal, to let us explore this mysterious anatomy at our leisure. But we both agreed that the probability of some fully-grown woman spreading her legs for us was "somewhere between slim and none." Aside from those side-by-side sessions with Tim, my sexual activity was confined to jerk-off sessions in the shower or into an old athletic sock I kept hidden under my bed. By the time of this story, I had developed a favorite way of masturbating; cupping and rubbing my balls with my left hand, while pounding my spit-moistened fist up and down my cock. For variety, I would soap up my hands in the shower and squirt my goo from amidst the mountain of resulting lather. Lately, I had been fantasizing about some faceless, big-breasted woman spreading her legs for me and saying, "Finger-fuck me, Steve." Despite our curiosity about all females, the increasingly-sexual world of me and Tim never included our sisters. Susan and I used to take baths together, so I had seen her naked plenty of times, as Tim had seen Cindy, but that didn't count in the "naked lady" department, because they (and we, I guess) were just little kids. As far as we were concerned, little sisters were always just there. Little sisters were not something you noticed, except when they got into your stuff or, in some other little-girl way, caused you grief. Our sisters weren't even particularly good friends, because Susan's extra year meant they were in different grades. But they each had their own friends, so there was often little-girl giggling in the background when Tim was at my house, or I was at his. We tried to ignore it. Not that our sisters were ugly. Tim's sister Cindy was blonde, her hair always cut in a precision straight line across the bangs and the back, never a hair out of place. Her big brown eyes seemed to broadcast a look of innocence and a hint of shyness. Tim shared his sister's big brown eyes but had a matching dark brown head of hair that gave him a wholesome look. You could tell that Tim and Cindy were brother and sister at the first glance. My sister Susan had black, curly hair like mine, and she was bold and brash; I guess she and I were alike too. When our sisters turned nine and ten (and I was about 14), things began to change. In my general horniness, I started to notice them as something other than neighborhood brats. Although they still pretty much looked like little girls, I started to see them as women who were not yet fully developed. Although they were far from "true" women, I could see that their skinny little bodies had begun to develop hints of mysterious curves. 2. Sister Sue Of course, the event that convinced me that girls this age were growing up was when I caught my ten-year-old sister masturbating. It was a Saturday afternoon, and Mom and Dad were off playing tennis. I had just come home from a playground basketball game. As I parked my bike in the garage, I looked up at Susan's room, my attention drawn by the loud rock music coming from her open window. I was struck dumb to see my little sister dancing there naked! She apparently hadn't noticed my arrival, so I snuck in the back door and upstairs to spy on her. Her door was almost closed, but I could see about half her room through the narrow crack. Which meant that I could see Susan about half the time, as she pranced from one end of the room to the other, jumping and writhing to the rhythm of her favorite band. She obviously thought she was alone. I hadn't seen my sister naked for years; not since we stopped taking baths together. Frankly, she didn't look much different than I remembered from when I was seven and she was four. Although she was taller now, she still had a flat chest and a hairless body. As I looked closer, though, I saw that she was not totally flat-chested; her little nipples stuck out from her chest. And, as she danced by again, I saw that one of the reasons was that she was pinching them as she danced. Not all the time, just every now and then. I also noticed her crotch was reddish, as though it had been sunburned. As she danced and twirled, I tried to focus on her nude pussy, to see what made it red. But her gyrations made it impossible to see anything for more than an instant. As the record came to an end, I began to understand what was going on. Without taking the tone arm from the record, Susan flopped down on her bed, with her feet toward the door (and me). With her thighs stretched wide, my little sister grabbed her hairless crotch with both hands and began a violent rubbing and stretching. It finally dawned on me that she was masturbating! Fascinated by this spectacle, I pushed the door open a bit more. Susan was apparently still unaware of my presence, because she continued. She stopped her aggressive treatment of her little pussy and began a more gentle, rhythmic caress at the top of her crack. From my surreptitious readings of adult advice columns, I knew this was where the "clitoris" was located. I also realized this was my opportunity to see what I wanted to see. If I played my cards right, I could have the "willing participant" Tim and I had fantasized about. As Susan's hand began to move faster and her head began to toss back and forth, I walked into her room and came to stand beside her bed. She was still unaware of me, until I said, "What are you doing? I'm gonna tell Mom on you!" Susan's eyes flew open and her thighs slammed together. Her mouth was agape as she tried to cover her little nipples and her mistreated crotch from her brother's glowing eyes. "Wha.. Wha... What are you doing here?" she said. "I've been watching a very nasty little girl play with herself," I said grimly. "And I don't think Mom or Dad will be happy to hear about this." Tears sprang to her eyes as she cried, "Oh, no! Please don't tell on me." As she folded her hands in pleading, I naturally noticed she uncovered her nipples and cunt. "Well, maybe I won't tell" I said. "But you'll have to show me what you were doing and let me fool around with you." For a second there, I was afraid she would choose to have me tell, rather than let me touch her. But she blushed all over and said, with downcast eyes, "OK, but you have to promise not to tell ANYBODY, not even Tim." I rapidly agreed, as I sat down on the bed next to her. To make sure she understood my plans, I said "You have to answer all my questions and let me show you a few things. OK?" When she agreed, I asked her how long she had been doing this and she said just a week or two outside of the bathtub. I was then surprised to learn my little-girl sister had been playing with her pussy in the bath for years. She went on to explain that listening to her favorite group and looking at their posters on her walls got her "all worked up." She would imagine that the lead singer was pinching her nipples and the drummer was grinding his hands into her cunt. "But doesn't it hurt?" I asked. "No, it feels kinda exciting, because I don't really get that rough. I just pinch my nips a little bit." When I told her to show me how, she blushed, but slowly gave right nipple a gentle squeeze. I immediately reached out to give its partner a similar pinch. I was expecting something soft, but Susan's excitement had engorged her pre-adolescent nipples so each was firm and almost quivering. Beginning my "instruction" (based on reading sexual "advice" columns in those porn mags), I said, "Let me show you something." Wetting my fingers with spit, I slowly rubbed around the base of the small pink towers on my sister's chest, first one and then the other. With more spit, I lubricated the nipples themselves, and gently moved them from side to side, flicking the little cones slowly. Susan's eyes got wider, and she said, "Geez, Steve! That feels terrific. I can feel it feeling good all inside my body." I reached down in my lap to adjust my cock, which had been stiff since I first saw the beginnings of my sister's dancing demonstration. I was still wearing my shorts and jockstrap from basketball. I saw Susan's eyes get even wider. "You're not going to stick your thing in me, are you?" "Of course not!" I said. "You're too little to have real sex. But we can play around a little." Seemingly reassured, she relaxed on the bed, as my fingers returned to her nipples. Nonetheless, I noticed that she continued to glance anxiously at my crotch. By now, her nipples were even harder. They were perfect cones, dark pink and glowing with excitement. In addition, a flush had begun to develop over Susan's neck and shoulders. As I flicked her little-girl nipples back and forth on her surging chest, my sister's thighs began to grind together, pulling the folds of her pussy into a squeezed pink purse. Her hands, cast out across her bed, began to clinch into little fists. After a few minutes of this stimulation, she spoke. "Aren't you gonna touch my thing?" she whined. I had to smile at her little-girl talk. And at the transformation from someone who was afraid of being told on to someone who wanted to be fingered. Anyway, I was ready to extend my exploration of female anatomy. "Don't call it your 'thing,'" I told her. "You mean your vagina or your pussy or your cunt, don't you?" Blushing again, Susan said, "I'm not supposed to use words like that." "But, if you're talking about your cunt, why not say so? Let me hear you say it. Say 'I want you to finger-fuck my cunt.'" Susan's blushing was furious by now, and her eyes were wide at the naughtiness in the words and actions I was suggesting. But her thigh- grinding was also getting pretty furious. As I continued to stroke her swollen nipples, she blurted it out. "OK, Steve. I want you to finger- fuck my cunt! It's so itchy!" I smiled at her additional comment and felt my cock give a violent twitch at hearing such delightfully-nasty language coming out of a fourth-grader's mouth. I said, "OK, I'll play with your pussy, but you have to open your legs so I can see it better." Susan's thighs popped apart like a switch- blade knife, as I moved my hands down her naked little belly. So I could see things more clearly, I dropped down on the bed, putting my head even with Susan's crotch. I didn't realize until later that this also placed my jumping jockstrap exactly even with Susan's eyes. As I gently stroked the insides of her skinny thighs, my eyes were glued to her hairless box. Actually, now that I was so close, I could see that a few of the downy hairs on top of her little mount were coarser than the others and had a hint of pigment. I could see that my little sister would soon have some crinkly hair to match what had developed above my peter. For now, however, I was staring with great interest at the undeveloped pussy of a sub-teenager. In the time since I had interrupted her furious crotch manipulation, the angry red tinge had begun to drain away from her fat little snatch-lips. The snowy hills on either side of her rosy slit now showed only a ruddy glow. I moved my fingers up her thighs and closer to her crevice, pausing to feel her puffy outer lips and to understand how the folds of soft skin formed the mysterious external view of a girl's sexual organs. Susan seemed to appreciate this exploratory caress, because she hunched her crotch a little wider and groaned softly. To tease her a little more, I reached back up to twiddle her nipples, but I discovered that Susan had already wetted them with her own spit and was using my lesson to give herself pleasure by flicking both nipples back and forth vigorously. Turning back to her nude little cunt, I decided I had learned all I needed to about the outside of a girl's pussy. I placed my fingers on the hairless flesh on either side of her opening and slowly opened her cunt- lips. I was fascinated to see the pale pink shrouds of her inner lips glisten with her juices. I thought to myself that spit lubricant would apparently be unnecessary down here. Opening the little girl's cunt also made the ridge of her erected clit more prominent, with the shiny pink knob barely projecting from its hood at the top of her slit. Still holding her slit open, I moved one finger softly up and down the outside of her little inside lips, feeling a kind of stiffness in the flesh there. As I began to trail my way back up toward the little clit-bump, I heard Susan groan again. In response to that earthy sound, my cock gave another jump. Then it was my turn to jump, because I felt Susan grab my peter, right through the nylon of my basketball shorts. Sitting up again, I looked down at Susan's blushing countenance. "And what do you think you're doing?" I smiled at her. "Can I see your thing?" she asked. Then, remembering my earlier lesson and grinning boldly, she said, "I want to look at your hard dick, big brother. I want you to let me feel it and make it squirt its stuff!" Again, I was excited by my sister's language. "Have you ever seen a hard one before?" I asked, thinking I'd maybe give her a first-time treat. If possible, Susan blushed an even deeper scarlet. "A couple of times," she admitted. As I raised my eyebrows, she added, "But it wasn't my fault!" 3. Susan and the Cab Driver I couldn't imagine why Susan would say it "wasn't her fault," so I tempo- rarily lost interest in exploring her little pussy to hear more about this. "Whose cock did you see? Was it hard? Did you just peek or did the guy know you were looking? Was he fucking someone? Did you ever see a man shoot his load?" Under this barrage of interrogation, tears sprang up in Susan's eyes as she repeated, "Oh, please don't tell anyone. It really wasn't my fault." Realizing how upset she was, I stroked her hair clumsily and said, "Come, on, Sue. I'm sure it wasn't your fault and you know I won't tell. I just want to hear about it. I think it's real sexy." With another glance at my lap, and then with downcast eyes, she began to tell me her story. "I was about six years old the first time," she said. "I was taking after-school modern dance lessons from Mrs. Curdy and Mom had to pick me up every day. One day, she was busy with something at work, so she called a taxicab to pick me up and take me home. Mrs. Curdy walked me out to the cab and talked to the driver to make sure he knew where I lived. The cab driver was real young-looking and kinda cute. He smiled at me and invited me to sit up front with him, where I could see the taxi meter. I waved good-bye to Mrs. Curdy and hopped right in." "He started talking to me as we pulled away, saying how cute I looked in my dance outfit. I was just wearing a practice leotard, but he acted like it was some recital outfit. Anyway, as we drove along, he started to talk about how I was a sweet little girl and he was a great big man. He said there were lots of differences between us and he could show me if I wanted him to." Susan looked up at me with pleading in her eyes. "I really didn't understand what he meant!" I reached out again to tousle her hair. "Of course you didn't, Sue. You were only a little kid." She smiled up at me and seemed to relax as she resumed the story. "Anyway, I didn't understand what he was offering to 'show' me, but I guess I wanted to be polite to an adult, so I said sure. He gave me an even bigger grin and pulled right off the street into that parking garage over on Willow Street. As he drove up the ramp to the empty rooftop, he said we'd stop there for just a second while he showed me what he was talking about. He said he'd even give me a chance to find out all I wanted to know and to help him with the show." "As we pulled onto the roof of the garage, the sun was making it real bright in the front seat of the cab. He pushed the seat way back and turned to face me. He was still smiling at me and seemed real friendly. He was talking a lot and saying that men and girls were different in lots of ways, but that there was one way that was most important. Then he unzipped his pants and pulled out his thing!" "I was real scared then," said Susan. "I just knew that Mom and Dad wouldn't think it was right for me to be looking at that, so I shut my eyes. But he just kept talking, saying that not very many little girls got such a good chance to see how a man was made. He also said hardly any girls my age ever got a chance to see a grown-up man's 'dick.' My eyes were still closed, but I guess my curiosity was bigger than my fright, so I opened my eyes a little bit to see what was going on." "The cab driver's thing was sticking straight up in the air, like a fat flagpole coming right out of his pants. He was touching it all over, kinda trailing his fingers up and down and all around, especially on the end. He was looking at me and his smile was bigger than ever, too. He asked me if I liked to look at his 'dick' and I said 'I guess so,' but just so I wouldn't make him mad. Then he said I could touch it if I wanted to, but I said 'No thanks' and kinda pulled up into a ball over by my door." "He seemed to realize I was scared, then, and his eyes got real sad and he said that I shouldn't be afraid. He said he wouldn't touch me and he would take me right home as soon as he showed me how a grown-up man 'gets rid of a hard-on.' I sorta brightened up then, because there seemed to be some way to get this all over with. I guess he must have seen me relax, because that big smile returned to his face and he said I was a 'terrific little girl.'" "Then he told me to look closely at his 'dick' and notice how big and strong it was. Despite myself, I looked down to see that his thing had gotten even bigger, and the end was now all swollen and purple. It looked kinda gross and scarey. He took his hand off it for a moment, spit into his hand, and smeared the spit all over the big old thing. I remember thinking to myself that it was nearly as long as the ruler in my schoolbox. While his hand was off it, I could see it was jumping around just like yours." Impatient to hear the rest, I said, "Every guy's cock jumps when it's hard. Go ahead with the story." "Well, next he wanted me to show him something. He said he wouldn't touch me, but seeing my 'pussy' would help him get rid of his stiffness. I remember wondering at first if he was talking about somebody's pet cat, but he pointed at my thing." My sister blushed and corrected herself, "I mean he pointed to my cunt." "Of course, I told him right away that I wouldn't show it to him. But he smiled at me and said he could already see that I had a fat little pussy because my dancing tights showed him. When I looked down, I could see it was true. You could see the crack real clear, and all my moving around on the seat of the cab had kind of crammed a bunch of the material up the crack in my bottom. Now I was real embarrassed. Then the cab driver said that I had already showed him my 'pussy' so I had nothing to lose. He said if I pulled the crotch of my tights over to one side, he could tell me what color hair I would someday have on it." "I realize now that he was just saying something to get me to uncover my cunt," Susan said, blushing anew at saying the new word. "But I was only then beginning to understand that someday I would have hair on my thing like Mom had. I was curious. But mostly, I just wanted to get home." "Anyway, I just reached down and pulled the stretch fabric over to one side. My legs weren't wide open or anything, but he could see the outside of my slit. When I looked back over at him, I saw his hand was moving real fast as he pumped his fist up and down his big wet thing. He was looking at my cunt like it was the most interesting object in the world. Actually, I was sorta proud to be so fascinating to a grown man. In fact, I forgot he was supposed to be telling what color hair I would have by my cunt, because about then I noticed the end of his big thing was beginning to drool out some kind of white stuff." "When he saw that I was looking hard at his thing, he began to talk real fast about what a great little kid I was to be showing him my 'naked little pussy' while he 'jacked off his big old dick' for me. As I looked up from his pounding thing to his face, I was kinda scared at how red his face had gotten. His eyes were kinda shining as he looked in between my legs. As I watched, he gave a big groan, shut his eyes, and told me to look at his 'dick.' "By now, I mostly wanted to find out what happened next. I was real surprised when I looked down at his big thing to see that he had taken his hand off of it. Standing up there by itself, I could see all kinds of gross veins running up and down this big, red thing that looked sorta like it didn't even belong to the guy. Suddenly, he kinda lifted his bottom off the seat and made a groaning sound. Then, gobs of white stuff started to come out of the end of his dick. It looked like the paste glue we used to make in kindergarten. The first blobs shot way into the air and all the rest kinda squished out in little pumping waves. There was a lot of that stuff he had to clean off the steering wheel and the seat before he could take me home." "He told me I couldn't ever tell anybody about what he showed me, because little kids aren't supposed to learn about this until later. I know now that he just got his kicks masturbating in front of a little girl." Suddenly grinning at me, Susan said, "But now that I'm safe with my big brother, I want to rub your dick until you squirt your stuff while you play with my itchy cunt." 4. Peeking Through the Window Although I was really tempted to get back to exploring her little pussy and my cock was jumping at my sister's purposefully nasty talk, I remembered that Susan had told me that she had seen other cocks "a couple of times." So I said, "Well, maybe. But first tell me about all the other times you've seen a man's peter." To help convince her, I reached down between her legs and gave the wet crack between her hairless pussy lips a quick caress. Susan looked down at her crotch as I did it, and grinned up at me lewdly as she hunched her naked cunt hungrily into my hand. "OK," she said. "But there's only one other, if you don't count all the times I saw your little thing in the bathtub when we were younger." Now it was my turn to blush. "No, I'm talking about when you might have seen a hard dick." "Yeah, there was one more time, but that time the man didn't show it to me. I peeked. I was playing over at Linda Haseltine's house one day when her daddy came rushing into the living room. He was really mad because Linda's big sister had left her bike in the driveway and he had almost run over it. He told Linda's sister she would have to 'get some licks' for forgetting to put her bicycle away." "Linda put her finger up to her lips, in the 'hush' sign and motioned that I should follow her as she headed toward the kitchen. When we got outside the house, she told me her daddy was always giving her older sister 'some licks' and that it was fun to watch. Motioning me to follow, she went around the corner and began to climb a tree right next to the house. I was worried about getting my dress dirty, but I followed her." "As I climbed up to the limb where Linda was sitting, I found out we could see right into Mr. and Mrs. Haseltine's bedroom. We couldn't hear anything through the glass, but we could see that Mr. Haseltine was still yelling at Linda's sister. She was about twelve years old. Then, he pulled out a bench from Mrs. Haseltine's vanity and sat down on it, kinda sideways to the window we were watching through." "He was still talking to Linda's sister and he sort of motioned her to come over to him. I was real surprised to see her pull her dress up as she stepped forward. Then, while he was still talking to her real angry, Mr. Haseltine reached out to pull her panties down until they hung around her knees! He pushed her hands higher, so her dress kind of hid her eyes. Then I noticed he kinda leaned forward like he was staring at her cunt." "Linda leaned over on the branch and whispered to me that her sister was gonna get a whipping and that I should watch her father's hand real close. I didn't see what the big deal was about watching a spanking, but I kinda liked peeking in on someone who didn't know you were watching." "As we watched, Linda's daddy plunked her big sister down across his lap, with her bottom facing the window. Mr. Haseltine raised his hand and gave her a smack on the bottom. As he raised his hand again, Linda's sister squirmed with pain and opened and closed her legs so I could see the pink skin on the inside of her cunt and some dark hair all around it . Mr. Haseltine hit her again and again, and I could see that her bottom was starting to turn red." "He kept on spanking her for about a minute. Then, Linda poked me in the side and told me to watch closely. I could see that Mr. Haseltine was apparently through with the whipping and was looking real closely at Linda's sister's bottom. As she continued to roll around on his lap in pain, I was surprised to see him rub his hand all over her bottom, like he was soothing the burning there. Then he kinda turned his hand and started to bore his finger into her bottom-hole!" "Linda whispered that her daddy sometimes put his finger in her bottom, too. She said he told her he was checking to see if she had wiped herself good enough. I was real shocked to hear about that." "Back in the bedroom, Mr. Haseltine took his finger out of Linda's sister's bottom hole and spread her legs while she was still laying across his lap. He started running his fingers up and down her crack and then he put his finger right inside her cunt! He kept it there for a few seconds, and I couldn't see what else he might have been doing." "All of a sudden, he picked up Linda's sister, and pointed out of his bedroom. I could see that she was still crying as she hobbled out the door, with both hands rubbing her bottom and her underpants around her knees. Mr. Haseltine closed the door and I started to get down from the tree, but Linda pulled me back on the branch and told me to watch what happens next." "When I got back on the branch and looked in the window again, I saw Mr. Haseltine was taking off his pants. He had on those striped shorts things that old men wear. Then, with his back to the window, he took off his shorts. I was real surprised to see that his bottom was nearly covered with thick black hair." "As Linda and I watched, Mr. Haseltine turned toward the door where his daughter had just been and began to stroke his thing, which was sticking out straight from his body. It didn't seem to be as big as the cab driver's, but I guess that guy had a pretty big dick. Linda whispered that pretty soon some white stuff would squirt out. I thought about telling her that I had already seen that, but remembered that I wasn't supposed to tell anybody about the cab driver." "I guess I knew what to expect, but it sure didn't take Mr. Haseltine long to do it. He just moved his hand up and down his thing about twenty times, grabbed a handkerchief off the bed, and squirted a bunch of stuff into the hanky. He kinda shook all over his body, wiped off his thing and started to put his clothes on again." "I was gonna get down then, but Linda told me to watch what she could do. She sorta squirmed around on the tree limb until she was sitting facing me, with both feet on the limb and her skirt bunched up around her waist. She was smiling real big and then she reached down between her legs and started stuffing her underpants into her hole!" Susan's eyes got wide as she described this curious scene. I could tell that even now, years later, she just didn't quite understand what she saw that day. "Linda told me she was gonna be ready," Susan said. "She said that some day her daddy would give her a good spanking and she had been practicing so he could stick his finger inside of her, too." "I said I didn't get it and why would anyone want to get a spanking. Linda said her sister had told her that it hurt at first, but then it felt like the best thing in the world, even with the sting of the spanking. Linda said her sister now did things on purpose to make her daddy mad, whenever she knew her mother was going to be late in getting home. Then he would give her a spanking and put his finger in her hole." "Linda pulled her underpants out of her hole and pulled the crotch over to one side so I could see. I leaned over on the branch to see better and noticed that Linda's pants were sorta wet, like she had peed in them. But mostly, I noticed that Linda's thing was all red on the inside. She spread her legs wider and put her finger all the way inside. Then she told me I had to show her mine and see if a finger would fit inside." "I felt a little funny and I was scared of falling out of the tree. I was also afraid that Mr. Haseltine would look out his window and see us fooling around. But, when I looked in the window, I saw him buckle his belt and walk out of the bedroom. So I moved around into the same kind of position that Linda had used and pulled my underpants out of the way. Linda leaned forward and stared at my thing." "She told me to go ahead, so I felt around to see if I could put my finger inside. I couldn't do it, and Linda acted like she felt sorry for me. She tried to put her finger inside, but it hurt. She said that I should try it in the bathtub, and pretty soon I would be able to do what she could do." "Then we heard her father's car leaving, and Linda told me to follow her real fast. She got down out of the tree in a second and told me to hurry up as I moved as fast as I could. When I got down, Linda ran into the house and up the stairs. As soon as I caught up to her, she took my hand, pushed open the door to her sister's room and walked in, pulling me along." "Linda's sister was lying on her back in bed, with a sheet covering her. From the way the sheet made a tent shape, I could tell she had her knees up and wide apart. Linda told her I wanted to see her do it and that I wouldn't tell anybody. Her sister kinda looked at me funny and then kicked off the sheet, never taking her hands from between her legs. She had her dress all bunched around her waist and her legs were spread wide apart." "Linda told me to look real close to see how her sister 'rubbed her button.' I leaned over to see that one of her hands was holding her hairy lips apart, while two fingers of her other hand were dipping inside her hole and then rubbing a big red bump at the top of her pussy. Her whole bottom was still bright pink from the spanking, but she didn't seem to be in any pain. It was like Linda and I weren't even there, as she bumped her hips up and down and rolled her head all over the bed. Linda told me it felt real good to her sister and now it sorta felt good to her, even though she hadn't had a spanking. I looked over at Linda and she had her skirt pulled up and her underpants were down around her knees while she pushed a finger in and out of her pussy real fast. Linda's sister kinda shook all over then, and stuck her fingers way deep inside her hole. Linda kept on screwing her finger in and out. I was feeling kind of funny, like maybe I should be doing something with my pussy, too. But in a few minutes her sister looked over at us and told us to go play somewhere else." "A few days later, Linda talked me into putting my finger inside her hole while she 'rubbed her button.' She was over at our house, and we closed my bedroom door while she took off her jeans and her underpants. She laid down on the floor with her legs open real wide and pulled her hole wide open. I was kinda shy about the whole thing, but Linda told me to just put a finger inside of her. So I leaned over and pushed my pointing finger right in the middle of her cunt and it slid right in. It was tight around my finger and kinda hot. Linda said I had it in good and deep, and she let go of the sides of her thing then and started to rub the top, right where her sister had that big bump. I could see that Linda had a little bump there and I wondered it I had one too. Later, in the bathtub, I found out I had a bump and it felt sorta good to rub soap suds all over it." "When Linda told me to, I sorta moved my finger all around inside and she said that felt real nice. She told me to move it in and out some and I did that too. But then we heard Mom coming upstairs so she jumped up and put her pants back on." "Linda told me I should keep trying to open up my hole so I could feel good like she did. At first, I couldn't do it, even in the bathtub, but now I can," said Susan, reaching down to her open crotch and sliding her middle finger neatly into her gaping hairless cunt. "So," said Susan, finger-fucking herself while I watched wide-eyed. "Now can I rub your thing -- I mean your dick?" 5. Brother and Sister By now, my blood was boiling. For some reason, the idea of my little sister showing her naked pussy to other people -- even little Linda Haseltine -- was a super turn-on for me. And seeing Susan's finger slide in and out of her little-girl twat was blowing my mind. My prick was hard as a crowbar and was feeling painfully constrained by my jockstrap and athletic shorts. But I was concerned that letting her play with my dick might jeopardize the fiction that I had her under my control because I'd caught her playing with herself. Finally, I said, "OK, but you have to do what I tell you to do. This will be an educational experience for you." Susan rolled her eyes at this, because our Dad was always labeling things we didn't want to do "educational experiences." But she just said, "Fine with me" and increased the speed of the in-and-out motion of her finger in her own pussy. Her eyes were glued to my crotch. All of a sudden, I was enjoying her anticipation. Slowly and teasingly, I reached into the leg of my shorts and freed my cock and balls from the restraint of my jockstrap. Now my hard dick pressed against the thin nylon of my athletic shorts. When I looked up at Susan, I was surprised to see a thin film of sweat on her upper lip. Her eyes were protruding as she stared at the quivering outline of my member. Her finger-fucking had slowed, too. Enjoying her fascination, I told her, "You can uncover it, if you want." Susan lost no time. Taking her finger from her cunt, she quickly used both hands to pull aside my shorts to release my pulsing ramrod. I was really proud when she said, "Oh, Steve, you've really got a neat one! And you have hair all around it!" But as she reached for my cock, I suddenly got concerned. "You gotta be gentle," I said. "You can hurt a guy if you grab his dick too hard. And that's even more so for his balls." Susan got a little pouty look on her face as she said, "Hey, dumb-head, do you think I don't know anything?" Then she moved her hand almost reverently to my throbbing pole. Her small hand wrapped around the pulsing muscle and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Oooo," she said, "it's so soft and hard and hot, all at the same time!" Leaving my little sister to her exploration of my dick, I leaned back down to look at her pussy. I was particularly interested to learn if my bigger finger would fit inside her tiny hole. Susan had relaxed from her thighs- wide posture as she reached for my cock, so I gently nudged her legs open again. She needed no second suggestion, for her legs flew wide open at my first touch. For some reason, the contrast of the smooth, powdery hairless pussy lips with the wet, pink insides looked good enough to eat. However, although I had heard about eating pussy, I didn't want to try it, especially with my sister! But touching her was something else again. I returned to my slow, feathery, up-and-down caress, just barely touching the bright pink inner lips of Susan's pussy. I was immediately rewarded with soft brushing caresses up and down my quivering cock. With the fingers of one hand, I pulled open the curtains of Susan's cuntlips. I was sort of surprised to find that there was no "hole" there, but just more pink flesh. But I noticed that the bump at the top of her pussy lips was now pulling back to reveal a shiny red knob. In my urgency to find out about how a clitoris feels, I pressed a finger directly on the newly-exposed clit-knob. I was dismayed when Susan suddenly slammed her legs shut and sat up with a cry. "Oh, please, Steve," she said, "don't touch me right there. It's too sensitive." But I was reassured when she told me it felt great when you rubbed all around it. I asked her to show me what she meant. Susan smiled shyly and relaxed back on the bed. With one hand still holding my pecker, she reached down with the other, extending her middle finger to rest just above where the ridge of her clit began. As she turned her head to stare at the jerking hunk of brotherly flesh in her other hand, her finger began a rhythmic circular motion all around the hump of her clit. I could see that this motion made her red bump peep out again and again from its fleshy home, sort of like it was being jacked off. As I looked down at her, I couldn't believe my good luck. After wishing with Tim that I could someday have a girl who would let me touch her, now I had a little fourth-grade girl who was holding my dick while she showed me how she masturbated! I told Susan to keep on jerking herself off and to start jerking me off. As her hand began to move up and down my cock, I moved my hand underneath her twirling clit-massage. With my middle finger, I searched for the hidden hole into which she had stuck her finger earlier. As Susan realized what I was doing, she spread her legs wider and started to pump my peter faster. With this added help, my finger found its target mysteriously hidden away in the folds of her pussy. Carefully, I started to insert my finger, and Susan began to go crazy. "Oh, Steve!" she cried. "That feels wonderful! Your finger is so fat it just fills me up. And your dick is starting to leak some stuff on my hand!" Naturally, she didn't have to tell me that, because I could feel that I was going to be cumming pretty quick. Although her naked little pussy was gripping my finger tightly, I began to jiggle it in and out. I couldn't really move my finger in and out as fast as I had seen Susan move hers, but I could tell she appreciated the new sensation. Looking down at the little nipples jiggling on the chest of my naked ten- year-old sister as she moved her little hand up and down my cock while she masturbated with my finger inside her, I just got so excited I shot my load right into the air. As the hot liquid landed on her chest, Susan joined me in climax, moving her finger in a blur over her clit as she arched her back so I could get my finger a little deeper in her hairless pussy. Just at that moment, we both froze, because we heard the sound of gravel as Mom and Dad pulled into the driveway. In a flurry of guilty activity, I grabbed up my clothes and ran into my room, while Susan shut her door. We were both real scared that we would get caught, so I guess that's why we both acted as though it had never happened. In the next few weeks, even when we were alone, I resisted the temptation to play with my sister, and she never said a word about it, either.